Full Moon in Sagittarius

This Full Moon phase urges us to celebrate the wisdom gained, and leverage said wisdom to create something greater. Our intentions that we’ve sowed in the waxing phase are like seeds, they have freshly sprouted signifying a successful seeding. How it all plays out is contingent on the intentions we’ve planted. 

The moon finds her influence in Sagittarius. She is illuminated with optimism, zeal, and a hunger for expansion through exploration. Sagittarius grants Luna sage wisdom to see all things in clarity. What is innerstood is that the phases of the moon are meaningless without the ability to adapt. Turning the ebbs and flow of life into our own sacred philosophy. Sagittarius wants us to venture far, not just physically, but in our minds. Through travel, passion, and taking big risks we find the many perspectives of life that satisfy our nomadic soul. 

When the mutable fires of Sagittarius find the cardinal waters of the moon, her passive nature dissipates. The passivity is replaced by cheerful actions that take her deeper to the edge of the unknown. As the lunation continues, she magnetizes new people, new places, + new philosophies to her.

On the light side of the moon, Luna is transformed into something a bit more bold and charming. Her humor and wide-eyed approach to life make her an inspiration to others. She prefers optimism over pessimism, and in that right, luck seems to follow her. The mutable fire births an independent thinker and passionate expression. She is friendly, warm, and sincere. Her thirst for freedom and spontaneity make her the ultimate seeker.

However, on the dark side of the moon, she doesn’t always think things through which makes her quite impulsive and irresponsible. When the Moon is in Sagittarius she is easily overwhelmed with commitments. She’s constantly making promises she can not keep. Her forgetful nature makes her flakey and inattentive. And when imbalanced she is excessive to the point of delusion. She often speaks before she thinks and often what is said lacks tact. And if her brand of honesty isn’t well-received, her hot head can become unnecessarily aggressive.

Our inner feminine nature asks for us to release the limitations of our current self by being open to travel into the depths of our own minds to find our true selves.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Light Codes

06.14. 2022
6 +1 + 4+ 2 + 2 + 2
17 = 8


17 is a compound number, and when a number is compounded so is the innerG. 1 represents initiation, beginnings, independence, and self-interest, so today’s innerG is truly an initiation to be devotional to our Spirit. While 7 represents rest, contemplation, introspection, and elevation through wisdom, so today is also calling you to retreat to reflect. This means 17 is representing how the only way to find new beginnings is to look inward.

The art of reduction makes 17 into 8 and we are being inpowered through abundance, prosperity, and opportunities to align with our true nature. 8 can be seen as the infinity symbol or simply put ‘as above, so below.’ We are being granted the light codes from the ethers for material mastery. The connectivity makes manifestation instantaneous today. Applying this innerG to practical matters is ideal.
The number 8 is Saturn’s portal, amplifying this magnetic innerG of the full moon in Sagittarius. The ability to turn dreams into reality is available. Saturn’s influence here is the embodiment of being blessed by your works. This portal is giving us access to self-discipline, humility, and determination to create a legacy. This gateway is creating the path for your perfection.

Tonight’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is supported by both 17 + 8 innerG, and a reminder that when we truly devote time to ourselves the clarity it brings allows us to manifest with ease.

Full Moon in Sagittarius Activation Cheat Codes

Mother grants us the Technology that aligns with our natural design. The correpondencing Technology for this Full Moon in Sagittarius. These herbs are perfect to dress candles or add to your bath or tea.

Anisefor luck, psychic power
Hyssopfor purification, protection
Sagefor longevity, wisdom, protection
Red Cloverfor money, love, fidelity, exorcism, success
Jasminefor prophetic dreams

Here are some crystals that will not only align with the Full Moon in Sagittarius innerG, but it is also sure to amplify them. Whether you choose to look through them as a meditation, sit with them, or create innerG portals these crystals are sure to enhance your rite.

Sodaliteactivates 6 ‘clair’ giftsi am fully awakened on all levels and working at my highest capacity.
Lapis Lazuliopens First eyei am seeing, sensing, feeling, and knowing the truth.
Dumortieritedevelops psychic intuitioni am seeing life from a positive perspective.
Malachitespiritual evolutioni am finding balance within
Serpentinesubconscious traversei am in the right place at the right time
Emeraldangels of healingi am fortunate
  • Light candles to create a sacred space.
  • add sea salt + olive oil to a hot bath.
  • add your favorite Epsom salt, spirit cologne, + some apples.
  • Stir counterclockwise + say your declarations into the water.
  • Add your jasmine essential oil + anise extract
  • Add sage, lemon balm, passion flower, hyssop, abd clove
  • Add star anise, however many with a number that aligns with you.
  • Add organic lily or jasmine; orange or white flowers
  • Write your sigil, goals, or affirmation on bay leaves and drop them in the water.
  • Add honey
  • Stir clockwise speaking your declarations into the water.
  • Allow to cool to comfortable temperatures then bath.
  • Add your favorite stones, sandalwood or myrrh incense, binary beats, or frequencies
  • Meditate, Visualize, Journal, Affirm, Pray — whatever your craft
  • If you can get hair wet, submerge and realign with your heartbeat
  • Scrub from the feet up to liberate your old ways, then scrub from the head down to manifest your intention
  • Drain WHILE in the bath + watch the old go down the drain.


  1. take a gallon of water + bring to a steady boil for 33 minutes. Take off fire, and steep all herbs for another 33. Pour into the bath + add salt, oil oil, your favorite Epsom salt, spirit cologne, + some apples. Soak. Drain.
  2. Drink dandelion + Journal

Get your hands on Sagittarius pole innerG in The Lab

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