Full Moon in Aquarius

This Full Moon phase urges us to celebrate the wisdom gained, and leverage said wisdom to create something greater. Our intentions that we’ve sowed in the waxing phase are like seeds that have freshly sprouted signifying a successful seeding. How it all plays out is contingent on the intentions we’ve planted and the loving waters we gave our seeds.

Luna finds Aquarius and illuminates the constellation with the lights of receptivity and intuition. Aquarius influences Luna with high ideals, lofty ambition, and a deep seeded call to humanitarian pursuits. Luna is transformed into a creative socialite that utilizes her charm, intellect, and uniqueness as agents of change. Aquarius’ yang charge gives the moon’s dynamic moods a much-needed outlet. Instead of being consumed by them, Luna seeks meaningful reason. Aquarius seeks to liberate itself from past limitations through its rebellious originality and inventiveness. The innerstanding here is that eccentricity naturally causes an upheaval, but our individuation is truly the only way to taste freedom. When Luna is in Aquarius, she is a visionary with strong clairvoyant abilities. Through her network, social group, and associates Luna can be the revolutionist to bring change to the whole wide world if she wishes.

When the Fixed Air of Aquarius finds the Cardinal waters of the moon, her intuition and sensitivity intensify. However, instead of emotional impulse, Aquarius creates distance from said emotions to maintain the scientific mind and remain rational. Instead, emotions are utilized to relate to humanity and inspire it to social change

On the light side of the moon, Luna is transformed into something imaginative and progressive. This conversationalist though very unconventional has a well-rounded approach to problems. She is the epitome of tolerance because she is constantly balancing her logic and emotions. She is a friendly people-person who loves to share ideas about philosophy, art, and science. Luna is a philanthropist with an openness that makes her a force to be reckoned with. Fixed Air manifests as the collective consciousness and the tempo of social evolution. Luna in Aquarius innovates this communication by connecting us back to our psychic abilities empowering us through our own uniqueness.

On the dark side of the moon, her detachment from her own emotions makes it impossible for her to sympathize with the emotions of others. Her fixed way of communicating, when negatively charged, makes her stubborn and cold. When imbalanced, she loses her practicality and finds tactless communication when there is no more tolerance found. At that point, she is the explosive contrarian who refuses to hear any other perspective. In fact, Luna becomes judgmental and mean when she sees the thoughts of others. This cancels her charitable temperament and leads her to self-centeredness though she will mask it with a warm smile. The Aquarius moon can become so aloof she gets lost in her mental plane, where she is nearsighted and unable to bring her visions into reality.

Being that this is the midst of a Saturn Retrograde, intensifies this full moon phase. The themes of limitations, karma, and foundations will be addressed during this full moon.

Our inner feminine nature is asking us to evaluate our responses to our peers and listen to the wisdom of our intuition. Integrate fulfillment into these relationships.

Full Moon in Aquarius Light Codes

08.11. 2022
0 + 8 +1 + 1+ 2 + 2 + 2
16 = 7


Full Moon in Aquarius Activation Cheat Codes

Here are a few simple ways to activate the Full Moon In Aquarius innerG:

  • Breathwork
  • Affirmations + Chanting
  • Singing Bowls + Tuning Forks
  • Fire Gazing
  • Scripting
  • Ceremonial Smoking
  • Candle Magick

Full Moon in Aquarius Activation Technology

Mother grants us the Technology that aligns with our natural design. The correpondencing Technology for this Full Moon in Aquarius. These herbs are perfect to dress candles or add to your bath or tea.

Scullcapfor love, fidelity, peace
Lobeliafor halting storms, love
Mulleinfor courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism
Kava Kavafor visions, protection
Morning Gloryfor happiness, peace

Here are some crystals that will not only align with the Full Moon in Aquarius innerG, but it is also sure to amplify them. Whether you choose to look through them as a meditation, sit with them, or create innerG portals these crystals are sure to enhance your rite.

Crystals for Full Moon in Aquarius
Amethyst1st eye stimulationi am in alignment with higher wisdom
Red Tiger’s Eyestrengthens spiritual disciplinei am protected + all negativity is deflected.
Bismuthconnection to Akashic Recordsi am actualizing my fullest + highest potential
Malachitepattern recognition tooli move forward with clarity and confidence
Amberfocus on purposei am making positive changes in my life
Chalcedonyconnects with ancestorsi am awakened to my true identity + purpose
Bath for Full Moon in Aquarius
  • 1/2 cup of dead sea salts
  • 1/2 sea salt
  • 1 cup of episom salt
  • 3/4 cup of baking soda
  • white or red flowers
  • 3 drops of patchouli
  • 3 drops of anise essential oil
  • favorite spiritual cologne
  • clove
  • star anise
  • poppy
  • scullcap
  • lobelia
  • damiana
  • bay leafs
  1. Light candles to create a sacred space.
  2. add dead sea salt + your favorite epsom salt to a hot bath.
  3. to a bowl or a mortar and pestle add the sea salt, spiritual cologne, and the poppy, scullcap, lobelia, and damiana and grind counterclockwise while saying prayers.
  4. add the mix to your bath
  5. Add your patchouli and anise essential oil (anise extract works well too)
  6. Add stare anise and clove to the bath
  7. Add white or red flowers to your bath (jasmine or lilies also work perfectly for this alignment)
  8. Write your sigil, intentions, or affirmation on bay leaves and drop them in the water.
  9. Add honey
  10. Stir clockwise speaking your declarations into the water.
  11. Allow to cool to comfortable temperatures then bath.
  12. Add your favorite stones, frankincense incense or resin, binary beats, or frequencies
  13. Meditate, Visualize, Journal, Affirm, Pray — whatever your craft
  14. If you can get hair wet, submerge and realign with your heartbeat
  15. Scrub from the feet up to liberate your old ways, then scrub from the head down to manifest your intention
  16. Drain WHILE in the bath + watch the old go down the drain.


  1. take a gallon of water + bring to a steady boil for 33 minutes. Take off fire, and steep all herbs for another 33. Pour into the bath + add salt, oil oil, your favorite Epsom salt, spirit cologne, + some apples. Soak. Drain.
  2. Drink Mullein and Scullcap tea + Journal

Get your hands on Aquarius – Leo axis innerG in The Lab

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