Sun in Libra

The Divine Spark (Sun/Sol) falls into Libra, and the Judge appears. The Sun descends below the horizon to harmonize the lights from above. As our days and nights become equal, we can finally allow the integration of what Sol discriminated, organized, and analyzed in Virgo. From Sol’s new vantage point, He can now place all dissembled parts onto His scale. He ponders upon what will harmonize and what must be put to death as He progresses towards Scorpio.

When the Sun falls below the horizon, it is known as the Fall Equinox i.e. fall. It is a time that initiates a new season in the Sun’s journey. If the Sun represents the self, this transition is the fall of the self. Libra is the first time the Sun relates to the outside world, causing Him to evolve into a mirror. This fall of self empowers Him to make room for others. He discovers empathy, consideration, and duality in decision-making. His fall is Him retiring to his chambers to deliberate on the previous seasons. He takes His time in His judgment to remove all prejudice and conclude unbiased clarity and fairness in His ruling.

Sol travels to Libra to become The Peacemaker. On this journey through the 360°, He looks back at the criticism He expressed in Virgo season and weighs them on His scale. Sol adds logic, justice, and tact, even playing devil’s advocate to counterbalance insight from the constellation of Virgo. His principled nature aids Him in objectively expressing His sound decisions. When the Sun finds Libra, there is a deep calling to create mutual agreement. The fiery Sun in the cardinal air of Libra acts as fuel. His impulsiveness channeled into relating and unionization. This is how Sol learns to marry His internal world with the world around Him.

Libra season is a time to harmonize and balance our intentions, allowing the Judge to find beauty in His discernment and more effectively relate so that He can dwell in true peace. At this time, our interpersonal relationships get a spotlight blessing us with the lights of charm, refinement, and intellect. We become inspired to find our equilibrium through how we connect with others. Unlike the harsh fault-finding spark of Virgo, Libra externalizes the quest for perfectionism.

Sol’s journey to the 7th sign of the zodiac wheel corresponds to the 7th House, the House of Marriage and Partnerships. When the Sun is in Libra, it highlights our need to cooperate with others and create fairness, art, and relations. Sol is motivated by the need to collaborate granting Him the ability to rally others for projects, socializing, or business pursuits. His need to be civil and treat everyone equally creates new communities for Him to dwell in. The Yang innerG of Libra, reveals His nature is polished and diplomatic.

Libra’s electric nature creates situations and circumstances for us to express mental assertion and find new ways to think and communicate. However, when Libra’s innerG is inverted it can manifest as people pleasing and naivety. This negative charge creates codependency, imbalance, and the inability to stand firm in decision-making. That peacefulness turns into fence-straddling and with the Sun being placed here, it is done worse to the self. The Judges pursuit of harmony becomes perverted evolving into passivity, over-promising, and a loss of self in others. An excess can destroy Libra’s natural optimism and charm. The responsibility to be agreeable and considerate creates deep-seated resentment towards others that produces superficial connections. This resentment manifests open enemies, the self being the biggest enemy of them all.

When the Sun finds Libra, a sense of equality is born with the idealist temperament to actualize it. Air being the element of communication, Sol in Libra has to do with creating new ways to commune and relate through the mental world. At this time, we socialize and focus on stimulating the mental faculties through detachment, abstract thinking, or initiation of conversation. The crisp air of fall fuels the fire of discovery and philosophy making room for right action. Affirmations, chants, and the magick of scripting are the hallmarks of this time. Our words create worlds, so active and intentional wordplay is imperative in these lights. When the Sun is in Libra, Sol’s pragmatic ways become high ideals of unification that turn internal war into mental peace.

The power to create new mentalities requires a safeguard to comfortably express opinions without being stifled by preconceived notions and prejudices. When the Sun is in Air, it fuels Sol’s changeable and communicative flame into thought and ideals for communal pursuits. Sol in Libra wants to be enveloped in the beauty of the outside world while finding little pieces of Himself in everyone He meets.

The harmonization of self and other brings about a resonance. When it comes to spiritual alchemy, this is key to coming back to oneness. We must ensure the work we have done balances externally as well. Fixating too much on the self as we hide away in the hermit mode of Virgo doesn’t put our critique to the test. How can we possibly know our conclusions were accurate if they can’t stand the test of time or be applied by others?

Negatively charged Libra can get lost in a whirlwind of others trying to be everything to everybody. However, when positively charged, Libra’s innerG is about harmonizing the corresponding mindset for a happy marriage, whether in romance, friendship, or business.

Our inner masculine nature learns that He must sometimes be less of self by compromising to truly experience beauty and harmony when relating to the external world.

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