New Moon in Aries

The new moon finds Aries and the sky is a blank canvas again awaiting us to sow our visions and imagination. It is the beginning of a new lunation cycle and a time to realize our intentions. Those intentions will be the seeds that we plant in the astral soil. This is the first new…

Mars Moves Into Scorpio

Mars is in Scorpio. Welcome to my world 😈 (my natal placement 😂) The shift from Libra to Scorpio Mars is asking us all to take that relating innerG + turn it inward. Mars is at home in this placement + has a brooding intensity that is prime + ready for manifesting through transmuting. Scorpio…

Planet X || Conspirators Unite!

Fallacies, fantasy, and pseudoscience are terms that explain the minimal knowledge behind our solar system. Recently, we figure out that the world is round and that we revolve around the sun, not the other way around. So a mirrored planet behind the sun whose orbit can only be observed through mathematical calculations of disruptions of…