Ode to Pluto

Inhale the color green while your eyes and mind widen to the hidden truths around you.With the realization of perspective, you begin to comprehend the human cosmo connection as the unity of the universe.As you exhale, a piece of your soul escapes in the form of smoke, in exchange clarity is given.The complexity of the…


As you return to love, I shall fade to black.Everything that once was, must now revert back.It’s not complicated, eerily simpleAnd yet, I feel uneasyFrog in my throat, queasyBut please see,My choices to come are just a reflection of me


The raindrops make hollow pitter patters in my faint existence. In a sea of many, I am none. I fade away as soon as I’m acknowledged, so consumed by my thoughts I can’t bare reality. The crisp air reminds me of the sting of silence. The silence of insignificance. I stand two feet away yet…

Planet X || Conspirators Unite!

Fallacies, fantasy, and pseudoscience are terms that explain the minimal knowledge behind our solar system. Recently, we figure out that the world is round and that we revolve around the sun, not the other way around. So a mirrored planet behind the sun whose orbit can only be observed through mathematical calculations of disruptions of…

Letter From Inner Me

Guarded hearts and planned emotions have been my reality for a while now. Safe with no expectations, solely because assumptions make a fool out of you and me, but mostly me. Behind these walls I have lost all ties to social interaction, or how I deal with intimacy of any kind is misconstrued the feel…