Full Moon in Capricorn

This Full Moon phase urges us to celebrate the wisdom gained, and leverage said wisdom to create something greater. Our intentions that we’ve sowed in the waxing phase are like seeds that have freshly sprouted signifying a successful seeding. How it all plays out is contingent on the intentions we’ve planted and the loving waters we gave our seeds.

The moon finds her influence in Capricorn. She is illuminated with the lights of determination, discipline, and a deep sense of responsibility. Capricorn grants Luna, who is normally moody and everchanging, an eagerness to learn and alertness to act. What is innerstood is that emotional intelligence is useless if the knowledge gained can’t be put to use. Capricorn offers the ups and downs of life as a sacrifice, so they can create a legacy of their choosing. Capricorn seeks security in business, money, and of course, their well-deserved spot in the upper crust. Through her tunnel visions and diligence, Capricorn Moon can manifest the whole wide world if she wanted to; she is committed to seeing it come to fruition.

When the Cardinal Earth of Capricorn finds the cardinal waters of the moon, her receptive nature intensifies. However, instead of emotional impulse, Capricorn’s repressions lead her to work. She prefers to use her emotions to materialize her desires.

On the light side of the moon, Luna is transmuted into something a bit more patient and ambitious. Her charm is regal, she is the epitome of a tastemaker. Her approach to life is calculated because she much rather quality over quantity, especially when it comes to relationships. She is a realist whose work ethic and drive is unmatched. Her solution-oriented mind makes her ideal for overcoming obstructions and any blocks in her path. Cardinal earth manifests as organized execution and self-suffiency, never once mistake her as someone who is lucky. Everything she has is imprinted with her blood, sweat, and tears! Cardinal Earth brings forth an unwavering, faithful giver whose actions speak louder than her words.

On the dark side of the moon, her lust for power and status makes her a bit of an opportunist. She will use anyone or thing at her disposal to elevate her position. When Luna is in Capricorn, she will exaggerate reality to get the chess board to move as she sees fit. When negatively charged, her practical nature can become sheer pessimism, and if she doesn’t attain her high standards this easily leads to depression. Though Capricorn Moons have a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, it often times mask their deep feelings of inadequacy and solitude. This imbalance can lead to rigidness to the point of being cold and manipulating. Oftentimes, her distrust of the world makes her appear unemotional, but there is a world of emotion that resides inside her. Her power complex and authoritative nature are her way of finding control in the choppy waves of the moon.

Being that this is a Super Full Moon, on top of the fact that this transit is happening in the midst of a Saturn Retrograde, intensifies the forementioned. The themes of limitations, karma, and foundations will be addressed during this full moon.

Our inner feminine nature asks for us to add the necessary work to stabilize ourselves, our relationships, our habits, and our homes. It is through commitment that we can create the necessary foundation to build a legacy that lasts.

Full Moon in Capricorn Light Codes

07.13. 2022
7 +1 + 3+ 2 + 2 + 2
17 = 8


17 is a compound number, and when a number is compounded so is the innerG. 1 represents initiation, beginnings, and self-interest, so today’s innerG is truly an initiation to be devotional to our Spirit. While 7 represents rest, contemplation, introspection, and elevation through wisdom, so today is also calling you to retreat to reflect. This means 17 is representing how the only way to find new beginnings is to look inward.

The art of reduction makes 17 into 8 and we are being inpowered through abundance, prosperity, and opportunities to align with our true nature. 8 can be seen as the infinity symbol or simply put ‘as above, so below.’ We are being granted the light codes from the ethers for material mastery. The connectivity makes manifestation instantaneous today. Applying this innerG to practical matters is ideal.

The number 8 is Saturn’s portal, amplifying this magnetic innerG of the full moon in Capricorn. This in conjunction with the current Saturn Retrograde gives us the motivation to truly become responsible and determined in our pursuits. The ability to turn dreams into reality is available. Saturn’s influence here is the embodiment of being blessed by your works. This portal is giving us access to self-discipline, humility, and determination to create a legacy. This gateway is creating the path for your perfection

Tonight’s Full Moon in Capricorn is supported by both 17 + 8 innerG, and a reminder that when we truly devote time to ourselves the clarity it brings allows us to manifest with ease.

Full Moon in Capricorn Activation Cheat Codes

Here are a few simple ways to activate the Full Moon In Capricorn innerG:

  • Salt Spiritual Bath
  • Grounding / Foresting
  • Heartbeat Mediation
  • Crystal Grids
  • Mud Bath
  • Hiking
  • Ceremonial Smoking
  • Sowing Seeds

Full Moon in Capricorn Activation Technology

Mother grants us the Technology that aligns with our natural design. The correpondencing Technology for this Full Moon in Capricorn. These herbs are perfect to dress candles or add to your bath or tea.

Scullcapfor love, fidelity, peace
Lobeliafor halting storms, love
Mulleinfor courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism
Hempfor healing, love, visions, meditation
Morning Gloryfor happiness, peace

Here are some crystals that will not only align with the Full Moon in Capricron innerG, but it is also sure to amplify them. Whether you choose to look through them as a meditation, sit with them, or create innerG portals these crystals are sure to enhance your rite.

Black Onyxtap into Akaschic Recordsi am persistent.
Green AventurineEarth heart connectioni am a magnet for luck.
Hematiteenahnced mediatationi am surrounded by love
Malachitepattern recognition tooli move forward with clarity and confidence
Periodtovercoming addictionsi embrace my birth right of success, abundance, and prosperity.
Epidotephysical meta connectioni am grateful for all the blessings still to come
  • 1/2 cup of dead sea salts
  • 1/2 sea salt
  • 1 cup of episom salt
  • 3/4 cup of baking soda
  • white or red flowers
  • 3 drops of patchouli
  • 3 drops of anise essential oil
  • favorite spiritual cologne
  • clove
  • star anise
  • poppy
  • scullcap
  • lobelia
  • damiana
  • bay leafs
  1. Light candles to create a sacred space.
  2. add dead sea salt + your favorite epsom salt to a hot bath.
  3. to a bowl or a mortar and pestle add the sea salt, spiritual cologne, and the poppy, scullcap, lobelia, and damiana and grind counterclockwise while saying prayers.
  4. add the mix to your bath
  5. Add your patchouli and anise essential oil (anise extract works well too)
  6. Add stare anise and clove to the bath
  7. Add white or red flowers to your bath (jasmine or lilies also work perfectly for this alignment)
  8. Write your sigil, intentions, or affirmation on bay leaves and drop them in the water.
  9. Add honey
  10. Stir clockwise speaking your declarations into the water.
  11. Allow to cool to comfortable temperatures then bath.
  12. Add your favorite stones, frankincense incense or resin, binary beats, or frequencies
  13. Meditate, Visualize, Journal, Affirm, Pray — whatever your craft
  14. If you can get hair wet, submerge and realign with your heartbeat
  15. Scrub from the feet up to liberate your old ways, then scrub from the head down to manifest your intention
  16. Drain WHILE in the bath + watch the old go down the drain.


  1. take a gallon of water + bring to a steady boil for 33 minutes. Take off fire, and steep all herbs for another 33. Pour into the bath + add salt, oil oil, your favorite Epsom salt, spirit cologne, + some apples. Soak. Drain.
  2. Drink Mullein and Scullcap tea + Journal

Get your hands on Cancer – Capricorn axis innerG in The Lab

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